Underwater Archaeology: National Museum of Natural History

08 Feb 2011 11:05 AM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

WHAT:          “Underwater Archaeology: Excavation at the Mazotos Shipwreck in Cyprus,” an illustrated lecture presented by Dr. Stella Demesticha, maritime archaeologist, University of Cyprus

WHEN:          Thursday, February 17, 2011, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

WHERE:        Baird Auditorium, Ground Floor

Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History
10th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW   (Constitution Avenue entrance)


In association with the exhibition, Cyprus: Crossroads of Civilizations, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History and the Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus will present an illustrated lecture in the museum’s Baird Auditorium on Feb. 17.

Dr. Stella Demesticha, a maritime archaeologist with the University of Cyprus, will discuss the discovery and excavation of a fourth century B.C. shipwreck in Mazotos, Cyprus.

The ship, discovered three years ago, was loaded with wine from Chios, one of the most expensive and sought-after Greek wines in antiquity. The University of Cyprus, in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus and the THETIS Foundation, organized the first Cypriot underwater project and recently began excavation at the site.


This excavation is expected to shed light on ancient seafaring and sea routes, commerce in the region, the sizes and gear of cargo ships, the living conditions on board and much more.


Dr. Demesticha will share stories of the excavation dives and photographs of her team’s discoveries.

The exhibition, Cyprus: Crossroads of Civilizations, is on view at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History through May 1, 2011.