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  • 22 Mar 2025 11:21 AM | Robert Winthrop

    Please circulate this info through your networks as appropriate. 

    At the request of the SfAA board I'm hosting a listening session at the Portland SfAA meeting on the crisis for federal anthropologists, both employees and contractors. This forum has been organized as an opportunity –

    • for federal anthropologists and other social scientists to share their experiences (anonymously if desired), and

    • for all participants to identify strategies and information resources which can assist colleagues affected by these actions and foster support for the social sciences in the federal government. 

    The session will be held on Friday, March 28th, 2025: 11:15 – 1:00, Galleria II. Please join us, particularly if you have a federal connection. Thanks.

    Rob Winthrop

    rwin...@umd.edu / 202-744-2701

  • 27 Jan 2025 12:17 PM | ROBERT MACLEOD

    The July 2022 publication of Making Things Happen: Community Participation and Disaster Reconstruction in Pakistan, by Canadian anthropologist Jane Murphy Thomas, showcases a 2021 WAPA Praxis Award symbol on the book's front cover. 

    If the symbol is not an endorsement, why is it there?  

  • 06 Jan 2025 3:20 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

    GSA’s Office of Evaluation Sciences (OES) is accepting applications for our 2025 Evaluation Fellowship. Fellows will serve as Evaluators for a term of at least one year, with availability to serve additional years preferred. Evaluators join OES via the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) and are not federal employees. All fellowship positions will be remote and location flexible within the United States. 

    OES is a team of interdisciplinary experts that works across the federal government to help agencies build and use evidence. We partner with federal agencies to answer priority questions with rigorous evaluation methods and administrative data. We design and conduct impact evaluations of programs and evidence-based program changes and conduct descriptive studies. Learn more about our ongoing portfolios conducted in collaboration with our agency partners. 

    If you’re interested in working closely with key decision makers in government and applying promising interventions at a national scale, join the OES team! View the solicitation and apply on our website. 

    Application deadline:   Friday, January 17th, 2025 

    Please send any questions to oes@gsa.gov.

  • 02 Jul 2024 12:35 PM | Anonymous

    Chrysalis Collaborations has an immediate opening for a part-time, short-term, virtual position conducting qualitative interviews of businesses for a disparity study. Skills and experience conducting open-ended interviews required, knowledge of small, minority business systems a plus. Training on disparity studies interviews provided. Perfect for a graduate student or seasoned researcher looking for temporary, flexible work. Potential for work on additional studies at a later date.

    Interviewer will be responsible for contacting selected businesses, scheduling and conducting interviews via Zoom, providing documentation and summaries, and collaborating with principal researcher to complete project. At-home computer system with video/audio quality  sufficient for interviews and Microsoft office programs required. Salary based on experience.

    To apply, please send skills resume and brief cover letter outlining your experience to joanne@chrysaliscollaborations.com. No phone calls please. People with disabilities encouraged to apply. EEOC.

  • 01 Jun 2024 8:47 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

    The National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA) offers the annual Student Achievement Awards to recognize undergraduate and graduate student contributions in the area of practicing and applied anthropology. The awards recognize students within and outside the United States who have excelled in the field and provides opportunities for those who have conducted original research/projects in any applied context to be recognized during the American Anthropological Association (AAA) annual meetings and have their work considered for publication in the Annals of Anthropological Practice. 

    The deadline for submission is June 15, 2024. Winners will be notified in early-to-mid October.

    To find out more about eligibility, submission requirements, and additional details about the prizes, visit https://tinyurl.com/277zfd5b.

    Please share this opportunity with your students, networks, and anyone you know who might be interested!

  • 22 May 2024 6:38 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

    LTG Associates is searching for an anthropologist who is fluent in oral and written French to work on a short-term assignment. The core of the assignment will be to remotely interview a small number of French speakers regarding a medical therapy; all interviews will be conducted in French and then translated into English by a translation service. The project will also require review of a translation of the interview guide from English to French.

    All interviews will be conducted by video conference calls. Interviews are expected to be conducted in early fall, 2024. Staffing decisions will be made by early August 2024.

    LTG Associates is the oldest anthropologically based consulting firm in North America. We specialize in access, appropriateness, and quality of health and human services and have worked throughout the US and its Territories and Freely Associated States as well as 50 countries internationally.

    Please send resumes with specific relevant skills to: ntashima@ltgassociates.com

  • 28 Sep 2023 1:57 PM | Cortney Hughes Rinker (Administrator)

    Submit an abstract for the 2024 Education & Health Research Hub Conference! This virtual conference, held Feb. 1 & 2, 2024 is a multi-institutional event, hosted by George Mason University's Center for Social Science Research and Institute for Immigration Research, but open beyond the university to all presenters and participants, including faculty, students, practitioners, and community partners.

    The conference theme is College Students of Immigrant Origin: Research, Practice, & Community Engagement, and sessions will feature scholarly papers, sessions on policy and practice, and work-in-progress roundtables. Deadline for abstracts is October 15, 2023. https://cssr.gmu.edu/events/15025

  • 20 Sep 2023 4:21 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

    WAPA's new casebook features chapters from the 22 winners and honorable mentions of the Praxis Award between 2009 and 2019. Click here for information on Profiles of Anthropological Praxis: an International Casebook.

  • 28 Jun 2023 11:14 AM | Cortney Hughes Rinker (Administrator)

    The Global Affairs Program at George Mason University is seeking an instructor for GLOA 605: Interdisciplinary Research Methods for Fall 2023. This course meets face-to-face in Fairfax on Thursday evenings from 7:20-10:00pm. The semester starts on Monday August 21, 2023. Two anthropologists have long taught the course. Sample syllabi can be provided and the instructor is welcome to adapt what they would like from them for their version of the course. Global Affairs faculty would be more than happy to answer questions and provide any assistance. This is a required course for our Master’s students in Global Affairs and is considered a stepping stone for their Capstone Research Project given the final product is a proposal. It can also be taken by students in a few other programs to fulfill their methods requirement. Pay is based upon the university scale and is commensurate with experience. A PhD is required in a discipline related to Global Affairs (e.g., anthropology, sociology, political science, communication, policy, global studies, etc.). Must be comfortable teaching qualitative and some quantitative methods. If you would be interested, please send a CV to Cortney Hughes Rinker at chughe13@gmu.edu (preferably by July 15, 2023).

  • 18 Mar 2023 3:28 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

    Click here to download a list of NAPA-Sponsored Sessions SfAA 2023.pdf.

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