Activities and Events of Interest to Anthropologists

Members can post announcements regarding activities and events of interest to WAPA members by clicking on the "Add post" button below..  Items posted in this section can be viewed by the public.  Click here for information on WAPA-sponsored events.  This page is visible to the general public, but members must be logged in to add a post.
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  • 06 Jun 2024 4:10 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

    Come and see the Sherpas at the fabulous outdoor music/porch festival called Woodmoorstock this Saturday, June 8, right here in Silver Spring! The Sherpas are headlined by WAPA's president and longtime member, Mark Edberg.  Bring friends!  We will be on the Lexington Central stage (202 Lexington Drive) from 2:15-3:15. Click here for full details, including a map and festival lineup. See ya' there.

  • 20 Mar 2024 6:45 PM | Mari H. Clarke

    Given the concern of many anthropologists about ways to bring about peace and reduce conflict globally, the various presentations during the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution (George Mason University) Peace week are likely to be of interest to you. Most are online events, A few are in person at the Arlington Va. campus. On Thursday March 28 at 10:30 am there is an online panel discussing progress made in the Rotary-Carter School Partnership for Peace which was the vision of my late husband David Fishman. Here is the link to identify the sessions for which you want to sign up : https://carterschool.gmu.edu/news-events/carter-school-peace-week

  • 23 Aug 2023 11:36 AM | Eleanor King

    The Pre-Columbian Society of Washington’s annual symposium is holding its annual symposium on Saturday, September 23, from 9:30-5:30 pm.  This year, the theme is:  “The Time They Are A-Changin’: The Terminal and Postclassic Maya of Belize.” For more information and/or to register go to the Pre-Columbian Society’s website (pcswdc.org).

  • 20 Mar 2022 5:02 PM | Erik Kjeldgaard

    WAPA members Adam Koons (FEMA), Matt Stoffer, and Erik Kjeldgaard (GAO), along with John Villecco (GAO/University of Illinois, Chicago), Garry Cantley (BIA) and Eirik Thorsgaard (BIA), will be part of a NAPA-sponsored virtual panel discussion on "The U.S. Federal Government as a Career Path for Anthropologists," at the Society for Applied Anthropology meetings on Friday, March 25 from 9:00-10:45 AM mountain time.

    The group will discuss the opportunities and challenges in pursuing a career as a practicing anthropologist in the U.S. federal government. They will discuss  challenges with the transition to government, ways they have made contributions and influenced policy, challenges they have faced and solutions they have identified, among other things.

    • 13 Apr 2021 4:27 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)


      The Department of Anthropology at the Catholic University of America presents

      Michael Wilcox, Stanford University

      "Reversing the Terminal Narrative: Reframing Disease, Community Health and Pandemics Among Native Peoples in the Wake of COVID”

      This talk explores the ways in which historians, anthropologists and archaeologists have conceptualized disease among Indigenous communities as a deterministic force of colonization and conquest. It raises questions about the role of disease as a biologically neutral agent of conquest to explain how Native communities have responded to the most recent global pandemic.

      Friday, April 23, 2021 at 4:00 pm

      This event will be delivered virtually to both an in-person audience in Maloney 203, and a virtual audience over Zoom. Please register here to indicate how you prefer to attend. A zoom link will be sent to all virtual participants the day before the event.


    • 13 Feb 2020 4:54 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

      A free film festival with films mostly about indigenous peoples from around the world.  Check it out at https://mothertongue.si.edu/

    • 22 Oct 2018 8:19 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

      Dialogue Session -- Facing the Public: Professional Anthropology beyond Academia and Methodology

      15th Annual Public Anthropology Conference  American University Saturday Oct 27, 2018 Mary Graydon Center, Room 247 2:30 pm - 3:50 pm


      Alexandra Sellassie Antohin, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
      Andrea Kim Neighbors, Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center 


      This open-format dialogue will discuss the role of anthropology for enhancing public-facing roles in the fields of education, public policy and governmental affairs. Motivated by a common refrain about the applied nature of anthropology, dominantly confined to iterations such as bio-medical research, consumer ethnographies, corporate relations, and now U/X design, how can we also attend to the more intellectual and interpersonal orientations to cultural difference that inform our work? How does consistent interactions and relationships with participants at museums, P-12 classrooms, policy sessions, formulate a less-acknowledged type of anthropological orientation that is distinct from the discipline's transferable skills and methodologies?

      Oct 27 2018 Anthro Dialogue Session.pdf

    • 15 Sep 2018 8:15 AM | Maria Sprehn

      Pre-Columbian Society of Washington, D.C. September 15 Symposium

      The annual symposium of the Pre-Columbian Society/D.C. will take place in Washington on Saturday, September 15, 2018.  This year’s symposium title is “The Peopling of the Americas: Recent Research and Perspectives.”  Six archaeologists (including one with a focus on genetics) will address the still controversial topic of when and how people first arrived in the New World, their migration routes, and the process by which they spread throughout the North and South American continents.

      David Meltzer of Southern Methodist University will serve as symposium moderator.  Other speakers include James Adovasio of Florida Atlantic University; Jon Erlandson of the University of Oregon; Kelly Graf of Texas A & M University; David Kilby of Texas State University, and Jennifer Raff of the University of Kansas.

      Registration is now open for this  one-day event.  Program details and registration information are available on the PCS website: www.pcswdc.org.  Please note that there is a special registration rate for enrolled students.

    • 26 Jun 2018 1:27 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

      This Friday Evening: Invitation for WAPA members to the Migration Mixer and Armenian Jazz at the 2018 National Folklife Festival

      WHEN:  Friday, June 29, 2018, 5:30 to 7:00 pm

      WHERE:  Smithsonian Folklife Festival, National Mall

      Participant Hospitality Area:  Look for the shady, grassy tree plot along Madison Drive facing the National Museum of American History, between 12th and 14th Street; access Mall side from gravel path.

      The 2018 Festival includes international and transnational research teams and partners, many of whom are involved in research focused on migration at the global and local levels. Come meet old friends, new colleagues, and enjoy a cool drink before an evening concert of Armenian jazz featuring Miqayel Voskanyan and friends.

      Since 2016, the Festival through its ongoing On the Move initiative and AAA have been collaborating on public programs that engage the public in exploring how migration both unsettles and energizes cultural practices and community life. This year, we have organized a series of daily conversations about the role of creativity and culture in making place and community on shifting ground. These include musical demonstrations and live interviews by media hosts with Armenian and Catalan program participants, local cultural producers, and international artists from related Smithsonian initiatives. AAA and This Anthro Life will be documenting and sharing migration stories from the Festival in future podcasts.

      Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/migration-mixer-2018-smithsonian-folklife-festival-tickets-47312897149.

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