Special Salon on Applying Anthropology: November 2010 meeting

17 Nov 2010 9:26 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

This month’s WAPA meeting was hosted at the University of Maryland’s anthropology department on Tuesday, November 9th.  WAPA student board member, Kirsten Benham, from the University of Maryland, organized a salon-style discussion on the topic, “What is Applied Anthropology?”

UMD PhD students Kristin Sullivan and David Colon-Cabrera served as the student moderators for the meeting and stimulated conversation by posing some interesting discussion questions on topics such as the difference between applied and practicing anthropology; applied anthropology and scholarship in the field; and the role of activism in applied anthropology. 

Roughly 30 people participated in the discussion, including some who were exploring anthropology for the first time, students of anthropology from St. Mary’s College and UMD, and professional anthropologists working in academia, as well as the private and public sectors.

Dr. Erve Chambers from the University of Maryland served as the senior-level anthropologist discussant for the meeting and in closing suggested the book: "Anthropology Put To Work," edited by  Les Field and Richard G Fox. 

We’re pleased so many were able to participate in making this a successful salon discussion. We would like to extend a special invitation to those for whom this was their first WAPA meeting to continue to join us in the future!

--Submitted by Kirsten Benham

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