WAPA's 40th Anniversary Celebration

  • 05 Apr 2016
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (EDT)
  • Sumner School (1201 17th St NW); after-party at Vapiano (1800 M St NW)
  • 0


Registration is closed

 WAPA is 40 – Help Us Celebrate!

The Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists turns 40 this year and will celebrate with a gala on Tuesday, April 5th.  Please join us at the Sumner School, 1201 17th Street, NW, Washington DC, from 6:00 to 8:30 pm to celebrate our rich past and continuing support to our profession.

A catered dinner kicks things off in the Great Hall at the Sumner School, followed by a program celebrating our history and recognizing all those who have helped to keep WAPA a vibrant organization.

The doors will open at 6:00 and the program will begin at 6:45.  We will share reminiscences of past events and highlights from our history, recognize people who have kept the organization going, and present a gift to Sumner School which has long hosted our meetings.  The program will end around 8:00 pm and we will depart the Sumner School by 9:00 pm.

We are having a catered buffet dinner, which means that the program at Sumner is limited to those who have registered.  To accommodate those who are unable to attend the dinner, we are having an after-party from 9:00 to 11:00 at Vapiano Restaurant (1800 M Street, NW; Farragut North and DuPont Circle (South) metro stops).  No RSVP is required for the after-party.

(c) 2024 Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists
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