The Faith and Organizations Project: Findings and Process
Presenters: Jo Anne Schneider, Isaac Morrison, Laura Polk
1 February 2011 at 7:00 pm
The Faith and Organizations Project is a trans-disciplinary, multi-methods ethnographic project looking at the relationship between faith based organizations and their founding communities (see The project just completed a Lilly Endowment-funded project comparing 81 faith communities and organizations from Catholic, Mainline Protestant, Jewish, Evangelical, Quaker and African American Christian traditions. The project model involves agency hosts and practitioners as active participants in all aspects of the project, creating products for a variety of audiences. This presentation will briefly outline key findings, talk about project process, and discuss experience working on anthropologist-led, trans-disciplinary projects in the career paths of project researchers.

Jo Anne Schneider is Principal Investigator for the project. She is an urban anthropologist focusing on the dynamic among non-profits, government and communities in social welfare policy and opportunity structures for marginalized populations. A former AAAS fellow, she has published widely in several disciplines, including her latest book, Social Capital and Welfare Reform.
Isaac Morrison holds a MA in Anthropology from the George Washington University and a BA in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Maryland, College Park. He is currently working as a researcher at Innovation Network, a Washington DC-based nonprofit evaluation, research, and consulting firm.
Laura Polk received a Masters in Applied Anthropology from University of Maryland, College Park. She is currently a research associate with Walter R. McDonald and Associates, a firm that conducts evaluation of Children's Mental Health Services.
Locations and Directions
Meeting: Charles Sumner School, corner of 17th St and M St NW, Washington, DC (see directions below)
How to get there: The Sumner School is located at 1201 17th St NW (corner of 17th St and M St NW). The entrance to the meeting area is on 17th St under the black metal stairway. Directions from Metro Red Line: From Farragut North station, take either L St exit, walk one block east to 17th St, turn left and walk 2 blocks north.
Dinner: 5:30 pm at the Beacon Bar & Grill (one block north of Sumner School). All are welcome.
How to get there: The Beacon Bar & Grill is in the Beacon Hotel located at 1615 Rhode Island Ave NW (corner of Rhode Island and 17th St). Directions from Metro Red Line: From DuPont Circle station, take the south/P St exit, then walk 2 blocks southeast on Massachusetts Ave to 17th St. Cross 17th St and turn right (south) for two short blocks. From Farragut North station, take either L St exit, walk one block east to 17th St, turn left and walk 3 blocks north.