2019 WAPA Winter Party 
Date: 27 January 2019
Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: Home of Rob and Kate Winthrop
130 10th Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Please bring a dish according to the first letter of your last name (couples get to choose either person’s last name):
- A - I: Appetizers
- J - P: Main course
- Q - T: Salads or side dishes
- U - Z: Desserts
Please scroll to bottom of message to RSVP.
Family and anthropologically-minded guests very welcome!
Rob and Kate Winthrop’s home
130 10th Street NE, Washington, DC 20002 (near Constitution Ave NE)
Phone 202-544-2977

From Union Station: 15 minute walk. By bus, take the D-6 (toward Stadium-Armory) from Mass. Ave. & 1st Street NE. Get off at D & 10th Streets NE.
From Eastern Market: 12 minute walk. By bus, take the 90 (toward Duke Ellington Bridge) from 8th & D Streets SE. Get off at 8th Street & Mass. Avenue NE.
Carpooling: Ridesharing to the potluck may be coordinated on the carpooling page. You can subscribe by clicking on the link in order to receive email notifications when others post requests for or offers of rides.