Long-time WAPA member Ted (Edward C) Green was recently awarded a modest grant from the Wenner-Gren foundation to establish an archive at the Smithsonian Museum's National Anthropological Archives (NAA) of his early 1970s fieldwork in the Suriname rainforest. The NAA has also requested his applied, public health related notes, photos, audiocassette recordings, professional correspondence, etc. from Africa, the Caribbean, Asia, and elsewhere, up to the late-2000s. Ted adds "This means my personal fieldnotes, whether handwritten, typed or drawn, will become available to any anthropologist, anywhere--with the typed ones being accessible via internet. I am now going through as many of them as time allows and thinking about what belongs in the public versus private sphere." Ted does not know how long the archives needs to process all these materials (which includes digitization) once he submits them in April, but he guesses about 6 months.