Rounding out the second to last day of the SfAA's. There's still a good number of WAPA presenters.
8:00 - 9:50am - Carol Ellick - "Get Hired: 12 Tips for Getting a Job in Anthropology" (Workshop Fee: $20) - Parkview W
8:00 - 9:50am - Beth Schill - "Anthropology as a Profession: Qualitative Data's Role in a Quantitative World" - Riverboat
10:00 - 11:50am - Ben Blount (Discussant) - "Marine Fisheries Management in a Sea of Change" - Conference A
12:00 - 1:20pm - Diane Gardsbane - "Disciplining Gender-Based Violence: Expert and Lay Voices in the World of Intervention, Part I" - Conference A
12:00 - 1:20pm - Joeva Rock, Jeanne Hanna, & Justin Uehlein - "Food as Continuity and Change" - Carnegie III
12:00 - 1:20pm - Soren Peterson - "My Experience in Grad School: A Roundtable Discussion on Learning Applied Anthropology" - Sternwheeler
1:30 - 3:20pm - Dolores Koenig - "Urban Displacement: Safeguarding the Human Rights and Livelihoods of Involuntary Resettlers" - Conference B
5:30 - 7:20pm - Bill Fisher - "Applying Ethnography and Ethics: South American Extractive Industries, Social Organizations, and Linking" - Parkview E