The Department of Social and Behavioral Health at t
he Virginia Commonwealth
University (VCU) School of Medicine is seeking to f
ill a 12-month tenure-track
faculty position (open-rank). VCU is a major public
research university with a
nationally acclaimed academic medical center. We ar
e looking for a talented and
energetic faculty member with expertise in behavior
al interventions, specializing in
obesity, diabetes or physical activity. The success
ful candidate will have a nationally
recognized research program, demonstrated success s
ecuring extramural funding,
and the ability to develop interdisciplinary collab
orations. We are also looking for
an individual who enjoys working with graduate stud
ents. The faculty member will
have teaching responsibilities at the graduate leve
l (1-2 courses per year) and will
mentor doctoral students. This position provides op
portunities for diverse research
experiences in a highly supportive and collegial en
vironment with potential for
Required Qualifications: The ideal candidate will h
ave a doctoral degree in public
health or social or behavioral science (i.e. psycho
logy, sociology, anthropology).
Program of research should focus on obesity, diabet
es or exercise. The candidate
should have a demonstrated record of extramural fun
ding and peer-reviewed
publications commensurate with rank. Methodological
experience in community
engaged research is highly desirable. Previous teac
hing experience at the graduate
level within an academic setting is preferred. Demo
nstrated experience working in
and fostering a diverse faculty, staff, and student
environment or commitment to do
so as a faculty member at VCU.
Application Process: Applicants should submit a cov
er letter detailing their program
of research, CV and list of three references to: D
epartment of Social and Behavioral
Health, PO Box 980149, Richmond VA 23298, Attention
: Kate Ockerman (materials
can be sent electronically to
). Review of applications will start
immediately and the position will remain open until
“Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal oppor
tunity, affirmative action university providing
access to education and employment without regard t
o age, race, color, national origin, gender,
religion, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, pol
itical affiliation or disability