Activities and Events of Interest to Anthropologists

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  • 24 Mar 2015 12:55 PM | Deleted user
    Check back here each day to see WAPA Members who will be presenting the following day. If you know of anyone who is not listed below but will be presenting on Wednesday, please let me know. Happy SFAA 2015!

    8:00 - 9:50am - Ben Blount - "The Impacts of Changes in Coastal Use on Fishing Communities, Part I" - Conference A

    10:00 - 11:50am - Trish Clay (Co-Author) - "The Impacts of Changes in Coastal Use on Fishing Communities, Part II" 

    12:00 - 3:00pm - Ben Blount - "Research Design Workshop" (Fee $30) - Laughlin

    3:30 - 5:20pm - Michael Cernea & Ed Liebow - "Plenary Session: The World Bank's Social Safeguards Policies Must Strengthened, not Diluted!" - Conference A

    5:30 - 7:20pm - Trish Clay - "Community Considerations in Fisheries Systems, Part III: Current Management Techniques and Outcomes" - Churchill 

  • 20 May 2014 8:40 AM | Keely Maxwell
    The Resilience Summit will address:

    Issues of governance--how collective decisions are made, interpreted, implemented, and challenged--will shape resilience to climate change. Governance in the context of addressing climate change raises important questions:

    • In what arenas are resilience choices made?

    • Who decides what resilience actions are taken?

    • How are conflicts resolved?

    • What creative steps are communities taking and what barriers are they encountering?

    • ...and so on...

    Register! (It’s free)  

    • Go to www.resiliencesummit.org for registration and program details.  If you have had a change of plans and won’t be attending please let us know by e-mailing us at resiliencesummit@gmail.com. We wish to minimize food waste.

    • ​​
      After you register, tell us who you are by completing this form (if you’d like).  We will use this information to prepare a list of attendees to facilitate connections at the summit and afterwards.

    Share your ideas and participate!

    • ​​
      Check out the suggested reading.  There are links at www.resiliencesummit.org.

    • Bring ideas and questions

      regarding governance and climate change resilience.  We will help coordinate discussion groups during lunch.

    • ​​
      Prepare to share a simple story.  Consider a story you can share about a time you tried to solve a problem requiring collective action, from organizing a family dinner to passing legislation.  Whose help did you need?  What problems did you encounter and what constrained you?  Have you ever changed something so others could work together to solve problems more easily?  (Extra credit for examples related to summit themes of governance and resilience!)

    • ​​
      Consider how we can sustain the summit’s momentum. Please think about what the best summit outcomes would be. What kinds of documents and products would you like to see emerge from the discussions? A list of possible policy reforms? Another summit? A publication? Or…?

    If you have any questions about the summit, please let us know.  Please be sure to bring your own water bottle and cup for drinks at the summit

  • 13 Apr 2013 10:16 PM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

    will copy over.

  • 04 Mar 2013 10:43 AM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)




    Department of Anthropology, The Catholic University of America, Washington DC

    Sonya Atalay

    Assistant Professor of Anthropology

    University of Massachusetts, Amherst


    3:00 pm Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Caldwell Hall, Happel Room


    Is the rise of community-based research part of a paradigmatic shift in the way research is conducted? Dr. Atalay considers this as she discusses the principles of community-based participatory research and demonstrates how she's applied them in five collaborative projects in Turkey and Native North America. Partnering with communities to do anthropological research poses tremendous opportunities alongside complex challenges. It is, at times, a risky, even life-threatening endeavor. Dr. Atalay considers the challenges, presents some of the benefits of doing community-based research, and presents ethical dilemmas involved in planning and carrying out anthropological research using a community-based approach.

  • 19 Oct 2012 11:57 AM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

    On November 16th, the National Association of Practicing Anthropologists (NAPA) and the AAA Office on Practicing and Applied Programs will host the Careers in Anthropology Exposition in the main Exhibit Hall from 11 am to 4 pm.  NAPA and AAA are hosting the 7th Expo focused on providing a readily accessible opportunity for anthropologists to broaden their understanding of the important and creative opportunities for using their skills.  The Expo features anthropologists who have made careers in the public, private, and non-profit sectors and will share the creative ways that anthropologists use their skills and highlight some of the many new and emerging careers open to professional anthropologists.  The 2012 Expo will include:

    • Instant mentoring by NAPA members
    • A booth featuring members of the Ethnographic Praxis in Industry (EPIC) organization highlighting cutting edge careers
    • Sixteen professional anthropologists representing such career paths as:
      • Law enforcement
      • Refugee migration and resettlement
      • Public health
      • Local government human services
      • Philanthropy
      • Cultural resources
      • Corporate research

    Navigators will be working with attendees to match their interests with those of participating professionals.  

    Each year hundreds of new and aspiring professional anthropologists, students, and the faculty who mentor students attend the Expo and find it an exciting and valuable opportunity.

  • 11 Sep 2012 10:38 AM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)
    Astronomy meets Art in Africa!

    SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2:00 -- 4:00 PM

    Learn about the mystery and science of the stars revealed through African artists from ancient Egypt to the present day. We are pleased to offer a unique double program in collaboration with staff at the National Museum of African Art through their ongoing exhibit “African Cosmos: Stellar Arts.”  Cultural anthropologist and author Dr. Deirdre LaPin will screen her acclaimed film “Sons of the Moon,” which describes how the Ngas of central Nigeria view the moon as the regulating power of all life. Their simple observatories align natural elements that enable men and women to “meet” the new harvest moon once a year. Their structures may be the last traditional observatories that, like ancient Stonehenge, are still regularly used for ritual purposes.

    Following the film and discussion, Museum staff will guide us through the exhibit “African Cosmos: Stellar Arts.” Created by Dr. Christine Mullen Kreamer, the Museum’s chief curator and deputy director, this is the first major exhibition exploring the historical legacy of African cultural astronomy and its intersection with traditional and contemporary African arts.  The exhibition of some 100 remarkable objects considers how the sun, moon and stars and celestial phenomena serve as sources of inspiration in the creation of African arts from ancient times to the present.

    The film screening and discussion will begin promptly at 2:00 in the Auditorium on the Museum’s sublevel 2, followed by the guided tour of the exhibit on the same level. For more on the celebrated “African Cosmos” show and the film visit the website at http://africa.si.edu/exhibits/csmos/index.html.  You may also read the review of the Exhibition from The New York Times by Holland Cotter published 31 August 2012 at http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/31/arts/design/african-cosmos-at-national-museum-of-african-art.html?pagewanted=all.

    DIRECTIONS:  The Museum of African Art is located on the National Mall at 950 Independence Avenue, SW. Nearest Metrorail station is Smithsonian on the Blue and Orange lines.  Take the Mall exit and go west along Jefferson Drive toward  the kiosk and turn right through the Enid Haupt Garden toward the Museum located behind the Castle. Limited parking is also available on Independence Avenue and Jefferson Drive.

    Please note: Program will begin promptly at 2:00 PM.
  • 08 Feb 2011 11:05 AM | WAPA Communications (Administrator)

    WHAT:          “Underwater Archaeology: Excavation at the Mazotos Shipwreck in Cyprus,” an illustrated lecture presented by Dr. Stella Demesticha, maritime archaeologist, University of Cyprus

    WHEN:          Thursday, February 17, 2011, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

    WHERE:        Baird Auditorium, Ground Floor

    Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History
    10th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW   (Constitution Avenue entrance)


    In association with the exhibition, Cyprus: Crossroads of Civilizations, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History and the Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus will present an illustrated lecture in the museum’s Baird Auditorium on Feb. 17.

    Dr. Stella Demesticha, a maritime archaeologist with the University of Cyprus, will discuss the discovery and excavation of a fourth century B.C. shipwreck in Mazotos, Cyprus.

    The ship, discovered three years ago, was loaded with wine from Chios, one of the most expensive and sought-after Greek wines in antiquity. The University of Cyprus, in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus and the THETIS Foundation, organized the first Cypriot underwater project and recently began excavation at the site.


    This excavation is expected to shed light on ancient seafaring and sea routes, commerce in the region, the sizes and gear of cargo ships, the living conditions on board and much more.


    Dr. Demesticha will share stories of the excavation dives and photographs of her team’s discoveries.

    The exhibition, Cyprus: Crossroads of Civilizations, is on view at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History through May 1, 2011.
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